A doua conferință din noul sezon al Ciclului Conferințelor Centrului de Lingvistică Teoretică și Aplicată, organizate de Departamentul de Lingvistică al Facultății de Litere, se va desfășura joi 26 octombrie 2023, la ora 18.00.
Întâlnirea de joi o are ca invitată pe prof. Virginia HILL de la University of New Brunswick, Canada, care va prezenta comunicarea The speech act field of rhetorical questions, cercetare în curs în colaborare cu Shigeru MIYAGAWA de la Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
Limba prezentării: limba română; handout în limba engleză.
Rezumatul comunicării: „Rhetorical questions have received a detailed treatment in semantic studies that defined them in terms of common ground updating, assertion and lack of information seeking. How these semantic traits interact with the syntactic derivation of a rhetorical question has been less debated in the literature (with some notable exceptions). This paper adopts the findings of the semantic studies and considers them from a syntactic perspective: to what degree does syntax contribute to the interpretation of an interrogative clause as a rhetorical question? The paper focuses on data where the switch from a heuristic to a rhetorical reading of interrogatives is forced by the insertion of certain lexical items, and analyzes these items within a framework that maps conversational pragmatics to syntax. In particular, the proposal is that the interaction of the question clause typing feature with an evidential feature in the Commitment Phrase (i.e., the projection that relates speaker/addressee to the proposition) has the effect of an assertion that overrides the addressee-orientedness of the interrogative clause”.
Data: joi, 26 octombrie 2023
Ora: 18.00
Conferința se va desfășura la sediul Departamentului de Lingvistică.